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This page is still under construction, the translation to English is in process.
Hi, I’m Martin and I’ve visited many communities and I’ve found that each of them is unique.
And I don’t just mean a little different, there are a variety of different projects. If you are dissatisfied with social life or your housing situation, I can help you.
The communities have shown me in many seminars how pleasant it is to live together.
Here are my visited projects about the different types of communities and show you how to find the one that best suits your personality. You don’t have to travel locally as getting there is often difficult as the ecovillages are usually remote. I will take care of this for you and you can relax and watch. This way, I take away your uncertainty and fear of setting off.
However, in order to be accepted into one, or to set one up yourself, it is important to change your attitude (mindset) towards sharing. You can learn this, just as we have often learned the materialistic.
Would you like a Englisch video course? You are welcome to donate, if you can.
Think, you will find a great place and warm people to live there happily, without pressure and hustle, where the neighbors are the best friends.
Subscribe to the newsletter and you will receive the question list with life topics. The basis to find your community.
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Community tours
Cynthia is very experienced in the English community world. She knows a lot around the USA and the world. She offers round trips to visit the communities in a country together in a group.
With the discount code “ecovillagefinder” you save 100 $.
I will also receive something, so you can support me too.
You can find all the information on her website, just click on the link near by.
Use my experience from over 20 communities, in over 10 countries. I offer counseling. Personally, we practice thinking and acting together and you learn how to spread love and receive it.
Also as an external mentor who consciously perceives your group from the outside and shows you the unconscious causes of conflicts.
News in the blog
Gemeinschaften im Vergleich
Nach so vielen Reisen in Gemeinschaften, endlich der Vergleich. Was ist in welchen los. In großen etablierten, gibt es oft viel Seminar-betrieb, einen eigenen
Sunny Hill in Istrien, Slovenien
den Hügeln von Istrien liegt Sunny Hill. Im letzte Ort vor der kroatischen Grenze. Die Mensch hier, sind sehr Erfahrung in Gemeinschaft und mit freiwilligen Helfern. Sie fragen nach den Gefühlen und
Gaia Terra bei Udine, Italien
Schön gelegen, an einem kleinen Ort im Gebiet Udine. Die haben einen großen Garten, wo sie auch Workshops anbieten. Es gib eine Wasserreinigungsanlage, deshalb